Official Logo

Unless written permission, the entire contents of this internet site, including text, drawings, logos, graphics, images and photographs are the sole property of Service de police de la Ville de Montréal. Its contents are subject to intellectual property rights, including copyright.

You may not use SPVM logo except under a written permission from SPVM


 JPG Format - For electronic use 


 JPG format in colour


 JPG format in black


 JPG format in white on black background


TIF Format - To be imported into Word processing software


 TIF format in colour


 TIF format in black


GIF format - For transparent electronic use 


 GIF format in colour


 GIF format in black


 GIF format reversed (blue and white)


 GIF format reverde (white)


EPS format- For graphic design professionals

They can be opened by software such as QuarkXPress, Illustrator, etc 


 EPS format in colour


 EPS format in black


 EPS format reversed (blue and white)


 EPS format reversed (white)


See also : Ville de Montréal - official logos