Home Wanted persons The SPVM seeks to locate Amine Mohammed Khabba related to a recent shooting.

The SPVM seeks to locate Amine Mohammed Khabba related to a recent shooting.

Find out more in French

Profile of the wanted person

Photo : Amine Mohammed Khabba
Last Name Khabba  
First Name Amine Mohammed 
Age 24 
Height 1, 80 m (5' 11'') 
Weight 90,5 kg (200 lb) 
Hair color black 
Eye color brown 
Investigator Info-Crime 
Investigator's phone number 514-393-1133 
Case number 30-180126-003 


Amine Mohammed Khabba parle français et arabe. Il a un tatouage distinctif représentant une larme en dessous de l'œil gauche.